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jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

The Best Photo I Never Took Part Deux

One rarely has an opportunity for a retake in children's photography (kind of like asking kids to go back for seconds after eating broccoli), so I felt no small amount of joy when a "second" opportunity to capture the sunset at a nearby park arose (I chose to play rather than photograph the first time around). Since I had to haul a scooter, extra shoes, water and jacket for the kids, adding my SLR and light stand seemed like a small price to pay.

Sunset Baby Photography

The best part of the photo session was playing a game of shark where the kids had to climb up the jungle gym before I gobbled them up. The game must have instilled some amount of fear, because I've never seen them move so fast. Their speed of course limited the number of photos from our session, but more importantly, made it quite difficult for me to win.

Technical Baby Photography: 1/4000 sec at f2.8, ISO 50. A Canon Speedlite can't produce much light at that shutter speed (for technical reasons, it's forced to produce a series of light bursts instead of one big one). However, through some technical wizardry, the PocketWizard Flex TT5 helps optimize this and with the Speedlite positioned close and focused at 80mm, the little engine that could, did.

Related Posts:
The Best Photo I Never Took - On the original quest for this photo


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