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miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

Morning Routine +1

Every family has a morning routine or in our case, aspires to one. Which one of the following do you find most intriguing in our half hour routine each morning to leave the house?
  • Doing Kumon (2 sets of math and reading worksheets with about 100 problems). We're Chinese so this is the bit of the Tiger Mom in us.
  • Yelling. Um, yeah, we're not proud of it.
  • Face painting (our newest addition) ...
That's right, every morning we do face painting. Hockey sticks, flowers, hearts, you name it. While we're virtually unyielding on the big things (like learning Chinese, math, being nice to your parents), we try to be pretty flexible on the little ones. So if face painting gets everyone moving and adds some giggles in the morning, so be it. Maybe I should write a book, "Why Silly Fathers are Superior?"

On a related note, if anyone wants their children's faces painted before a photo shoot, you know who to call. Pink butterflies and ferocious sharks are my specialty.

Face Paint Baby Photography

Technical Baby Photography Notes: The photograph makes use of a professional photography technique that I like to call "the gratuitous use of light" which is a close relative to the gratuitous use of expensive photography equipment. The natural window light behind Zoe is really nice, but the first head shot I took, while beautiful, looks similar to other portraits I have of her (big eyes, cute smile, soft lighting, and blurred background). So I take a few steps back (I use non-zoom prime lenses because I need the exercise) which serves the purpose of capturing more of the scene and telling the story. Second, I mount a Canon Speedlite (i.e. small flash) on the shelf behind Zoe to create some separation and contrast between her and the background. Unfortunately, even after putting it at 1/128 power (the lowest setting available) and adding Gaffer's tape to the flash, the photo still appears like God is watching her eat her Wheaties. Before I can correct the flash output, my stomach growls, which is my cue to get what I can before it's all gone.


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